Moonlight, a freelance workforce platform on the NEO blockchain, has released its third “Behind the Scenes” fortnightly report, which includes development progress and activity updates. The reports, requested by the Moonlight community, aim to serve as a tool for tracking and analyzing progress and the overall health of the project.
Development Progress
The report highlights development efforts on profile link sharing, GitHub and StackOverFlow binding, and a “What is Moonlight Lux (LX)” page, among others.
Moonlight claims that it has defined the overall mechanism for its profile link sharing functionality, which includes workflow, user behavior, and technical considerations. Profile link sharing refers to the access control of an individual profile. On other platforms, such as LinkedIn, anyone can view a profile. Moonlight plans to offer tools for users to manage different profiles that are customized for different resumes and job applications. As an example, a user might want to emphasize different professional experiences when applying to engineering jobs versus jobs that require a statistics background.
The profile link sharing feature moved to the implementation track.
Moonlight also noted it reached consensus on the workflows for GitHub and StackOverFlow binding, which will allow users to link their GitHub and StackOverFlow accounts to their Moonlight profile. In the coming week, the team plans to add UI mockups.
Lastly, a “What is Moonlight Lux (LX)” page is planned, which will be linked from “various parts of the platform to explain [to] first-time users what LX is and how it operates.”
Activity Update and Moving Forward
In the past two weeks, the team reported to have implemented front-end and back-end features, as well as finalize the marketing onboarding video.
Moonlight claims it has completed a new Asteroid domain worker implementation, which is a back-end server that will handle the automation of queued tasks, such as identity verification. By off-loading these time consuming analytical tasks, the core system receives support with some of the “heavy lifting.”
The domain worker implementation is just one component of a larger Asteroid system that will make up Moonlight’s distributed back-end infrastructure. Moonlight’s Asteroid Load Balancer was released in July 2018.
Lastly, Moonlight completed a marketing onboarding video to introduce potential customers to the benefits of the Moonlight platform. Moonlight designers are also working on animations required for the onboarding workflow.
Moving forward, the Moonlight team plans to continue research and development of various features, such as identity verification. Further, Moonlight noted it will begin reaching out to candidates selected for the guided application walkthrough.
The full announcement can be found at the link below:
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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