General Updates
Neo announced the closing date for the T4 TestNet. The network will be shut down on Aug. 31 at 8:00 a.m. (UTC), leaving the T5 version as the sole official N3 TestNet. The T5 network was launched in April alongside NeoCLI v3.2.1 in order to support breaking changes to the protocol, namely native contract modifications that would invalidate past state on the T4 TestNet.
Neo Global Development established a strategic partnership with TaskOn, a Web3-based platform that helps people and companies collaborate on social media-related tasks. The TaskOn team also launched a social media campaign for Neo, offering up to US $300 in rewards for participants.
TOTHEMOON announced an upcoming snapshot for a TTM NEP-17 utility token airdrop, which will go to users who hold Character NFTs from the New Moon or Waxing Crescent phases. The snapshot will take place at 5:00 p.m. (UTC) on Thursday, Sep. 1, and the airdrop will occur within the following week.
The 46-piece Ilex Genesis NFT collection sold out, with prices varying between 36 and 266 NEO per NFT.
DogeRift released a preview of the mobile version of its upcoming 3D open-world game.
Developer Updates
COZ released neon.js v5.2.0, which included an update to NEF class to support source fields, the addition of the SmartCalculateNetworkFee function, transaction prioritization support, and more.
AxLabs released neow3j v3.19.0, centering on changes made in accordance with the Neo v3.4 update, including a new native contract method and improvements to NEP-17 balance query responses.
NNT Catch Up
NNT published a catch up on recent GrantShares activity, including three new proposals that have been submitted to the DAO, each with a development focus — Citizen Assemblies for DAOs, Renewed iOS SDK, and DAO as a Service. It also outlined continued discussions on the two-token economy research proposal, and other existing proposals that were closed or expired.
NNT continued its Polaris feature series with an article on Feedio, which won an Excellence Award in the recent Neo Polaris Launchpad. Feedio is a decentralized price feed platform that reduces the complexity of retrieving prices of various assets via blockchain. Instead of performing oracle calls, dApps subscribe to the service and avoid expensive onchain processes. Feedio aggregates data from multiple sources to provide real-time price information through its smart contracts.
O3 Labs added support for the GhostMarket GM token, which allows users to single-side stake on the Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche blockchains.
Aug. 30: NudesToken team is joining a Twitter space on the GhostMarket Twitter page.
Aug. 31: COZ is joining the ShillYourProposal Twitter space on the GrantShares Twitter page.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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