Neo Global Development (NGD) released its monthly report for November 2019, which highlighted activity such as participation at Blockshow Asia 2019, the announcement of a Neo-based computer science course, Neo3 development progress, and more.
Neo released an infographic highlighting its insights into the state of blockchain in China. The infographic covers four sectors: unlocking the Smart Economy of the future, public sector adoption, empowering developers, and cities with the most blockchain patents filed in China.
NNT released an article outlining ongoing discussions over the design and implementation of NeoID, a key component of Neo3. Currently, three separate proposals have been submitted as NeoID candidates, each from a separate team and with different design considerations: Seraph ID by Swisscom Blockchain, AthenaID by NGD Shanghai, and a third solution proposed by Moonlight. NeoID refers to a decentralized identity solution designed for use in the Neo ecosystem.
0xGames participated in NGD’s English Neo Live event. Neo Live is an Ask Me Anything (AMA) style community event that takes place on the official Neo Telegram channel. 0xGames founder and CEO, Sergey Kopov, participated in the AMA to discuss the multiplayer RPG, partnering with the Neo, progressing in the game, non-fungible assets, and Kopov’s outlook on the blockchain-based gaming industry.
NGD Seattle head, John deVadoss, was featured in the Humans of Neo series taking place on TinTucNeo.
NNT Catch Up
Wang Yongqiang, a researcher from NGD Shanghai, recently traveled to Brazil to visit and present alongside members of the NeoResearch community at two Brazilian universities. On November 13th, Wang Yongqiang gave a lecture at the Federal University of São João del-Rei alongside Vitor Nazário Coelho of NeoResearch. Lasting two hours, the lecture focused on distributed ledger technology and smart contracts, concluding with questions from the students. The second presentation was held as part of the Flash Blockchain Meetup on November 19th, hosted in the Department of Control and Automation Engineering at the Federal University of Ouro Preto.
Guardian Circle CEO, Mark Jeffrey, participated in the Neo News Today podcast to discuss user feedback on Guardian Circle’s v3.0 app, user engagement, international reach, the project’s goal of reaching 1,000,000 users as quickly as possible, and much more.
Developer Groups
Neo St. Petersburg Competence Center (NeoSPCC) released an updated version of NeoGo, a Neo node implementation written in Go. The latest release, dubbed Constellation, includes full support for dBFT consensus, allowing developers to run their own NeoGo private networks. With the changes, NeoGo has become the second consensus-ready node implementation for the Neo blockchain.
NeoSPCC CEO, Sergei Liubich, and CIO, Stanislav Bogatyrev, participated in a podcast interview on the Russian-based Basic Block Radio.
December 10th, NeoLogin posted an article reporting on the wallet’s integration into the Neo Economy store. In a demonstration, viewers are taken through the process of purchasing a coffee mug on the Neo Economy Store, which offers a variety of Neo-themed merchandise in return for GAS, and is the first app to add support for NeoLogin.
December 11th, Moonlight released its tenth fortnightly report for 2019, which offers updates on the Moonlight software developer kit (SDK), development of a developer and integrator documentation portal, and the launch of three new smart contracts. The three smart contracts will integrate and work with one another to provide a sovereign identity solution for the Neo ecosystem.
December 12th, Travala announced its NEP-5 to BEP-2 token swap is available for AVA token holders. Token holders have the choice of three options to conduct the token swap at a 1:1 ratio, each of which varies in length of time the window is open.
December 12th, Trinity Protocol CEO, David Li, released an open letter to the community offering insights into a lapse in his recent public presence, the relationship between Trinity Protocol and current market demand, and the direction of the two-year-old project. Looking forward, Li believes there will be renewed vigor for blockchain, particularly as China embraces blockchain technology. He states, “should any opportunities arise, [Trinity Protocol] will be among the firsts to seize it.”
December 12th, Nash published v0.1.5 of the demo makerbot and stated its intent to create a tutorial for first-time users.
December 13th, Alchemint released its monthly report for November 2019, which highlights a decline in the overall mortgage rate that mirrored a decline in the price of NEO.
December 13th, Nash updated its Python API to v1.2.0, which includes support for ARM devices, including the Raspberry Pi.
December 13th, Jarvis+ announced the winners from its Thanksgiving Q&A and solitaire events. Winner will receive either a customized t-shirt or coffee mug.
December 13th, TranslateMe released a video demonstration that gave iOS and Android mobile users a sneak peek of the platform’s forthcoming update.
Token Listings
December 21st: Neo and Tomochain meetup and workshop – Hanoi, VT.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski