The submission period for the Neospective infographic creation contest concluded on Jan. 15. Through Jan. 22, Neo community members can vote for their two favorite submissions. Afterward, the four entries with the most votes will proceed to a final voting round. Neo Global Development will reward 20 Neoverse blind box NFTs to voters at random.
NGD Enterprise lead John deVadoss released an article sharing similarities in priorities between working on Neo N3, and the Microsoft .NET and Azure platforms. They include: delivering a breakthrough platform, providing world-class tools, and supporting the community. deVadoss also introduced the GrantShares development grants program and the DAO that will coordinate and govern the distributions from the ground up.
Additionally, deVadoss will participate in a panel entitled Building Blocks: Applications for Better Business at the GBBC’s Virtual Blockchain Central Davos conference. The panel begins at 6:25 p.m. (UTC) on Tuesday, Jan. 19. Interested participants can register on Eventbrite.
Michael Fabozzi, Rentfuse Labs founder, will join the next Neo DevLog live discussion session. The conversation will focus on Neonova and the Neo Wallet Adapter, both open-source tools the Rentfuse Labs team has built for the N3 blockchain. The hour-long voice chat session begins at 12:00 p.m. (UTC) on Monday, Jan. 17, 2022, on the official Neo Discord server.
NNT Catch Up
The first meme coin has landed on the Neo N3 network, spurring token holders to send NUDES to each other. The NudesToken project was created by the MyMingo co-founders turned Flamingo maintainers. However, since the token’s launch, community members have assumed roles and responsibilities for the project. NudesToken is based on the joke that token holders can “send NUDES” to one another. NUDES are NEP-17 tokens, and no adult content is exchanged.
Longtime community developer Snowypowers released an updated version of Ansy for Neo N3. Ansy is a simple paper wallet generator that makes it easy to randomly generate new Neo keypairs. The tool can also be used to import wallets, as a useful way to print paper backups of existing wallets, or to quickly check the public address or public key for a known private key, WIF, or encrypted key/password combination.
Neo News Today covered iMe in its most recent Early Adoption Program spotlight. Powered by the Telegram API, iMe is a native-messaging smart platform coming to Neo N3. The team endeavors to build a future where value and data can be exchanged without relying on intermediaries. The ecosystem is home to a messaging application with a built-in cryptocurrency wallet, artificial intelligence functionality, and decentralized finance tooling, among other enhancements to the base functionality provided by Telegram.
NeoResearch has begun the initial implementation of its dBFT 3.0 consensus mechanism design. The dBFT 3.0 specification was completed in Oct. 2020, but consensus mechanism development was reprioritized to focus on shipping N3. The proposed upgrade would introduce a redundant primary node in each round of consensus in order to mitigate liveness defects caused by view change events.
Jan. 10, Flamboyant Flamingos became the first NFT project to launch via the Forthewin Network’s NEP-11 token generator. Flamboyant Flamingos is an algorithmically generated series of pixelated flamingos where the images are stored on-chain in the base64 format. There is a total supply of 500, which will be released in batches of 100.
Jan. 10, Sky Hut launched the first NFT marketplace to use NeoFS on the Neo N3 network. Sky Hut allows users to mint, auction, trade, transfer, and burn NFTs stored on NeoFS. For the month of Jan. 2022, Sky Hut is waiving the 1 GAS fee for minting and storing on NeoFS.
Jan. 11, Switcheo Labs migrated from the TradeHub chain to the Carbon chain. SWTH token holders did not need to take any action, Switcheo has migrated the tokens to the Carbon MainNet on behalf of users.
Jan. 11, Forthewin Network announced the first batch of winners from FTW Arena tournaments using the Rune NFT. Winners will receive GM tokens, Neoverse blind box NFTs, and NUDES tokens as rewards.
Jan. 11, iMe Smart Platform announced it is giving away 20 Neoverse blind box NFTs to the top 20 LIME token holders. The campaign runs from Jan. 11 through Jan. 18, and participants must fill out a registration form to become eligible.
Jan. 12, Forthewin Network released a DIY guide to minting NFTs on Neo N3 through FTW Smith. The tutorial demonstrates how to store a Base64 mime type .svg image within the smart contract.
Jan. 12, Neo Candy launched an NFT collection on the Sky Hut marketplace. The series includes 10 Neo Candy NFTs, each of which also holds a portion of NEP-17 CANDY tokens. The 10 NFTs share from a pool of 1 million CANDY, and are unequally distributed between each NFT.
Jan. 12, BitRings distributed 50,000 CANDY, split evenly among five NFTs. The winning NFTs were BitRing #001, BitRing #002, BitRing #013, BitRing #040 and BitRing #069.
Jan. 12, GhostMarket founder Vincent Geneste participated in an AMA on the official GhostMarket Telegram channel. In the AMA, Geneste discussed the GM private and public token sale, 11 million FLM staked to participate in the IDO, FLM rewards for the upcoming GM-FLM liquidity pool, use cases for the GM token, and next steps.
Jan. 14, NeoDashboard launched a community rewards campaign with contributions donated from multiple projects within the Neo ecosystem. The contest runs through Jan. 31, when winners from each of the nine participating projects will be randomly selected.
Jan. 16, Sky Hut integrated support for the O3 Wallet into its NFT marketplace.
Jan. 16, GhostMarket’s IDO concluded on Flamingo, selling 2 million GM governance tokens through the IDO in just over 48 hours.
Jan. 17: Neo DevLog Session with Michael Fabozzi of Rentfuse Labs.
Jan. 18: NGD Enterprise lead John deVadoss on a panel at GBBC’s Virtual Blockchain Central Davos conference.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski