General Updates
Neo was among the first entities to join the Web3 KYC Alliance, an organization of blockchain companies seeking to leverage identity solutions to ensure its members are regulatory compliant. Neo aims to strengthen its presence in South Korea’s blockchain market through the Alliance, seeking to establish compliance with Travel Rule regulations.
Neo hosted a Spaces with Neo Foundation lead technologist Steven Liu to talk about the most recent updates to the Neo X EVM sidechain.
Neo hosted an AMA with Pixudi CEO and founder Alex Scoresby to talk about the traditional race board game with modern party game mechanics built on blockchain technology. In the AMA, Scoresby discussed his passion for gaming, the logic of Pixudi’s game, building a sticky game, giving players a sense of ownership and trust, and much more. Five participants shared rewards from a prize pool of Pixudi in-game items.
Quirky Soul College released a 2024 roadmap for its NFT-based game built on Neo N3. The roadmap prominently notes the final wave of QSC NFT minting, new events and game modes, extending the game to Neo X, and more.
Meme2Earn announced a milestone achievement, as 60,000 memes have been uploaded to the platform.
Mega Oasis launched a limited Virtual Visions NFT mint in collaboration with Mpozzecco, an acclaimed artist hailing from Turkey. The minting period began on Jan. 24, and is scheduled to conclude at 10:00 a.m. (UTC) on Jan. 31. There is a maximum of 20 NFTs available at 3 bNEO each, with ten having been minted at the time of press.
Flamingo shared the top liquidity pools by trading volume for Week 3 of 2024, noting approximately US $1.14 million in the FLP-bNEO-GAS pool, $1.04 million in the FLP-FLM-GAS pool, and $1 million in the FLP-bNEO-fUSDT pool.
Developer Updates
AxLabs released its first neow3j update of 2024, upgrading the toolkit’s internal Gradle version and providing a pair of bug fixes for the compiler.
NNT Catch Up
NNT’s editors co-hosted Crypto Coffee and Blockchain Beer Spaces #3 on the The Smart Economy Podcast X page to discuss Neo and Ethereum node client diversity, Neo network activity, ETHDenver 2024, ITEM Systems non-fungible item technology, and more.
Jan. 30: Meme2Earn hosting Community Fireplace on official Discord server.
Jan. 30: Flamingo Finance hosting Community Lagoon on official Discord server.
Feb. 2: NNT Editors hosting The Smart Economy Podcast Twitter Spaces.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski