Neo released neo-cli v3.1.0 and noted plans to launch the upgrade on TestNet on Dec. 6. If the TestNet runs smoothly, the team intends to launch the upgrade on MainNet two weeks later. The update includes NeoFS side-chain settings, a new token tracker in neo-modules, and more.
Flamingo Finance began migrating to Neo N3 on Nov. 30, although FLM minting was delayed until Dec. 3 to ensure fairness for users migrating from Legacy. The change was made to give users more time to migrate and stake before N3 FLM rewards distribution began. FLM rewards on Flamingo Legacy will reduce by 25% every 10 days while equally increasing on Flamingo N3.
Alex Borutskiy, iMe Smart Platform co-founder, joined Neo Global Development’s AMA series, Neo Live, on Tuesday, Nov. 29. iMe is a messaging platform powered by the Telegram API, which incorporates blockchain-enabled features (i.e., multi-chain wallets, DeFi). The project was recently accepted into the N3 Early Adoption Program, and the app is available for iOS and Android. In the AMA, Borutskiy discussed how messaging with blockchain integration makes iMe a unique platform, plans for adding support for new blockchains, current and future use cases for the platform’s LIME token, and upcoming features on the roadmap.
Neo News Today joined NGD’s Neo Live on Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021. NNT founder Dean Jeffs, and editors Brett Rhodes (aka Edge) and Dylan Grabowski joined to discuss covering the Neo ecosystem since 2017 and other activities/projects NNT maintains. In the AMA, the trio talked about the origin of NNT, the team’s role within the community, NNT’s non-media related projects, the r/NEO GasBot, and how to get involved in contributing to the Neo ecosystem. The full transcript of both AMAs can be found at www.NeoNewsToday.com.
NGD established a strategic partnership with vEmpire, a self-proclaimed new and fairer system of DAO. According to its whitepaper, vEmpire was created to highlight the centralization that can occur in supposedly decentralized systems and to aid as an effective tool in countering this. The partnership with Neo is intended to catalyze the development of Neo’s NFT, GameFi, and Metaverse projects, facilitating more decentralized governance and investment within the Neo ecosystem.
NGD announced a partnership with the Metaverse Alliance, which initially includes supporting the Metathon hackathon as a sponsor.
Developer Groups
Neo SPCC released an article outlining how signers, scopes, and witnesses operate in Neo N3. The article took an in-depth look at each of the three concepts, and described their processes.
COZ released Neo3-Boa v0.10.1, which featured compatibility with Python 3.9 and Neo v3.1, the latest version of the N3 protocol. The Boa update features new custom smart contract interfaces and support for new Python builtin methods. COZ also released Mamba v0.9.4, which brought it in parity with Neo v3.1.0, and a new RPC client for Neo Node RPC API.
Nov. 29, GhostMarket rolled out a new profile feature, allowing users to connect multiple addresses across different chains to the profile.
Nov. 29, OneGate released an update to its mobile wallet for iOS and Android. The update included the addition of new dApps to the store, and new features.
Nov. 29, Humswap announced plans to airdrop tokens for BOWL NFT holders and Neoverse N-, E-, or O-series NFTs. The snapshot will be taken at 3:00 a.m. (UTC) on Dec. 11.
Nov. 30, TOTHEMOON announced an upcoming “Mint Week,” which will see the launch of The Market, the project’s first airdrop, and the minting of the first four Character types. Mint Week will run from Monday, Dec. 13 through Sunday, Dec. 19. The Market will launch on Monday, Dec. 13, which is where users can mint the upcoming NFTs. Character type NFTs will begin minting on Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021. Participants must use the NeoLine or O3 Wallet to mint an NFT.
Dec. 1, TranslateMe announced the addition of its 16th language, Dutch, into its API.
Dec. 2, Mercurial Apps released its second tool for the Neo blockchain, N3 Trader, a peer-to-peer trading protocol that allows users to trade NEP-11 and NEP-17 tokens between one another.
Dec. 2, Lyrebird announced it had submitted the smart contracts for the algorithmic stablecoin to Red4Sec for auditing. The team tentatively expects the contracts to be reviewed in Jan. 2022.
Dec. 3, O3 Labs released its monthly report for Nov. 2021, which noted the addition of support for new blockchains, new pools added to the Swap platform, and more.
Dec. 3, Poly Network released its monthly report for Nov. 2021, which noted more than US $14.8 billion in total trade volume, integrating support for new blockchains, and various AMAs in which the team took part.
Dec. 3, Nash CEO Kellogg Fairbank joined the Blockchance Europe 2021 conference to discuss how Nash competes with traditional finance, the benefits and risks of DeFi, and the protocols the Nash app uses to increase interest rates.
Dec. 3, Humswap launched its NFT BOWL series and offered a 70% GAS price reduction of BOWL NFTs for the first 72 hours of minting following launch. Minting went live on Friday, Dec. 3, 2021 with BOWLs available for 9 GAS each.
Dec. 5, NekoHit updated its whitepaper to include the current state of the code. In the coming weeks, the development team intends to release a final whitepaper and its smart contracts, which will be deployed to MainNet shortly after. The team will also release a new front-end and detailed plan for an upcoming airdrop.
Dec. 6: NGD head of eco growth John Wang joining AMA on official Binance Telegram channel.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski