NEO Global Development (NGD) Seattle lead, John deVadoss, delivered a keynote speech at the Delta Summit, an event sponsored by the Government of Malta. The Delta Summit is a three-day event that focuses on AI, blockchain, game development, and eSports. In addition to NGD Seattle, Novem, a company aiming to digitize gold assets on the NEO blockchain, was in attendance and NEO had a booth at the event.
NEO hosted a webinar entitled Introduction to Development on NEO blockchain: Tools and Documentation. The webinar was conducted by NEO blockchain engineer, Steven Liu, who discussed the basics of starting to develop on the NEO blockchain.
An article authored by NEO’s co-founder and core developer, Erik Zhang, and NGD Seattle lead, John deVadoss, was published in the Microsoft MSDN magazine. The article discussed consensus for blockchains and shared details of the dBFT implementation, built on the .NET Core platform using C#.
NGD director of ecosystem growth, Lili Zhao, and neow3j community developer, Claude Müller, delivered a presentation to students at the University of Basel. The two discussed the NEO ecosystem and development with the class.
NGD Seattle released a preview version of the NEO Blockchain Toolkit for .NET, a set of tools that aim to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology by providing a seamless and intuitive experience to developers. Designed for Visual Studio Code, the NEO Blockchain Toolkit aims to provide contract developers with all the utilities they may require while building their projects in one familiar environment.
NNT Catch Up
NGD Seattle’s lead, John deVadoss, participated in an online interview on the .NET Foundation YouTube channel. In the discussion, deVadoss introduced NEO as a project built on .NET core, and spoke of available tools .NET developers.
Novem released its fortnightly update, which highlighted a partnership with external auditing firm, Grant Thornton, as well as a visit to the NGD Shanghai office in mid-September.
NEO Name Service (NNS) celebrates its first anniversary on October 8th. Early adopters may find their domain names now nearing expiration. NNT published a guide on how to renew domains, which may be done for free and extends the expiration date by a year.
Developer Groups
NEO St. Petersberg Competence Center (NEO SPCC) launched its first proof-of-concept in the form of a locally deployable NeoFS version for NEO community developers. The release will allow developers in the NEO ecosystem to experiment with NeoFS and test potential applications that could make use of the decentralized storage facilities. The group also announced the upcoming launch of its first NeoFS TestNet, scheduled for October 7th.
COZ released a significant update to its Python node and SDK, neo-python v0.9. The new version includes various improvements and fixes aimed at improving the robustness of the implementation, marking the first time that neo-python produces a chain state that is 100% compliant with neo-cli.
NEO-NEXT released its monthly report for September, which included development updates to the NEOLine wallet, and beta version updates to Endorsit Android and web applications. In addition to its development efforts, NEXT also continued its “online live sharing class and a small online technology class.” Lastly, NEXT community co-founders, Edison and Hactrox, participated in the first NEO Community Assembly conference.
NewEconoLabs (NEL) released its second fortnightly report for September, which included updates to NeoRay 2.0, NELScan, and other services. Many of the updates from the second half of September focused on building and testing NEO3 development environments.
September 30th, FutureDAO released its monthly report for September, which included front end and server section updates. On the front end, the team designed the start funding, token trading, proposal list, proposal details, and submit proposal static pages. On the server side, the development team developed essential query and storage functionalities.
October 1st, Nash announced several updates to its non-custodial exchange platform, including an update to its NEX staking contract, integration of global currency partner Carbon Money, and the listing of the newly updated Moonlight Lux (LX) token on its exchange.
October 1st, TranslateMe announced it will launch the first iOS version of its Telegram Translation minimum viable product (MVP). The team also announced an update to the Android version of its application.
October 1st, Moonlight‘s LX token listed on Nash Exchange paired with NEO, ETH, and USDC.
October 1st, Blocklords announced the last of the 5,000 gen-0 stronghold items have either been distributed to players or burned. As gen-1 begins to take effect, the Blocklords team lowered prices for playing the game. Additionally, an update to the game included an armory and a troop management tool, and a revamped hero profile.
October 2nd, Nash published its Python API client, allowing the implementation of automated trading tools and other third-party applications. The release may help encourage the creation of trading bots, a useful tool for providing liquidity through algorithmic market making.
October 3rd, Narrative’s CTO, Brian Lenz, participated in an interview with Crypto Beadles. In the interview, Lenz discussed the history of Narrative, its current fundraising campaign, and upcoming features.
October 3rd, Switcheo released its SWTH Token Usage report for Q3 2019, highlighting the number of tokens utilized for trading fees on the Switcheo Exchange. In Q3 2019, 2,283,653 SWTH tokens were locked on NEO-based contracts, and an additional 1,258,971 SWTH tokens were locked from Ethereum and EOS-based fees.
October 4th, Narrative announced it will launch its Publications feature at 1:00 pm (UTC -5) on Tuesday, October 8th. The Narrative website will be down for approximately 20 minutes while the release is pushed live.
Token Listings
October 10th: NEO LIVE – CardMaker.
October 19th: Nash Quarterly Event – Lisbon, Portugal.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski