Reports and Updates
Red Pulse’s bi-weekly report indicated the team is ahead of schedule in user experience improvement and new features, and highlighted events attended and upcoming events on the schedule.
Ontology outlined their Triones Consensus Nodes incentive program and provided information on the consensus/candidate node application process. The article highlights the Ontology cost model, ONG unbinding model, Ontology node incentive model, and the node applicant selection process.
QLC Chain will provide access to the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup, where users can watch for free by unlocking regional restricted content with the WinQ VPN. Users who download the dApp are automatically given 100 TestNet QLC tokens to register and use Wi-Fi and VPN for free, as well as make other in-app transactions.
Alphacat’s community overwhelmingly voted for NEO to be the next cryptocurrency price swing forecasting bot released to early testers. NEO forecasting bot services will be given to ACAT token holders for one month at no cost if they’re holding 1 million ACAT tokens or more.
Aphelion and Asura Coin partnered for the e-sports platform’s upcoming token sale. The “Participate in ICO” function in the Aphelion desktop wallet will make it possible for wallet users to take part in the token sale.
Ontology and Chain of Things (COT) partnered to co-develop a platform that combines Ontology’s chain network model and COT’s IoT and intelligent hardware to support community and business-based trust identification, collaboration, transactions, and transfers.
Developer Groups Updates
City of Zion (CoZ) released May’s Proof of Working update, which contains updates on six major projects, and an upcoming development sprint with NEO Global Development.
Tech Updates
MyWish, a service that provides users the ability to create, deploy and manage smart contracts, has developed the capability for users to launch a smart contract on the NEO blockchain.
In addition to a handful of token listings, Switcheo had an external audit of the version 2 (V2) smart contract and completed Ledger wallet integration. Ledger functionality will not be available until the NEO application is updated on Ledger firmware. Switcheo CEO Ivan Poon has also been contributing (among other developers) to the NEP-7 proposal, which will aim to make smart contracts for token sales less complex.
Quarteria, an international real-estate platform built on top of the NEO blockchain, released its beta platform update. The Quarteria listing service is now integrated with its smart contract, and the first properties have been uploaded to the platform.
THEKEY released a report on its minimum viable product (MVP). THEKEY will now focus on performance enhancements, efficiency and reliability, and further R&D into hardware and devices required to operate the system. Additionally, Ken Huang, President of THEKEY, was appointed as the Chief Technical Specialist of the World Blockchain Organization (WBO).
Token Sales
Alchemint (SDT) will have a public token sale at 14:00 (UTC +10) on Tuesday, June 12 via the LeekICO token sale platform. Investors from China, Japan, USA, Singapore, and Australia will not be able to participate.
The Phantasma (SOUL) token sale ended on May 27th after a pause in the token sale to address a security issue identified within the smart contract. Red4Sec and Phantasma were transparent and communicative in the repair process, and the token sale sold out within one second when it resumed.
Upcoming NEO Events
The NEO team will be traveling to London, United Kingdom June 16th and June 17th, 2018 to host a meetup and blockchain challenge. The agenda for the meetup features seven presentations from various ecosystem projects. The blockchain challenge will be related to NEO Node State Monitoring, and the top teams will be rewarded with GAS.
Other events upcoming events include:
- June 6th – Neo Smart Contracts Python Workshop, Tel Aviv-Yafo (Israel)
- June 9th – NEO Blockchain Challenge, Shenzhen
- June 14th – NEO Workshop hosted by KPN and BlockLab, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
- June 20th – NEO Geneva Meetup, Geneva (Switzerland)
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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