NEO released an announcement acknowledging a storage injection vulnerability, which was discovered by security auditing company, Red4Sec. The vulnerability is located within the particular NEP-5 smart contracts and does not affect the NEO blockchain. The vulnerability is considered low risk and NEO Global Development (NGD) has already reached out to all projects that might be affected to provided guidance.
Updates from projects regarding the vulnerability status.
NEO and Ontology signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which outlines areas of key cooperation, shared technical understanding, and vision. NEO and Ontology will support the development of NeoVM and NeoContract, and collaborate on the development of smart contract open standards. A joint task force comprised of representatives from both parties will dedicate itself to realizing the aforementioned goals. Additionally, the two entities will develop a joint funding initiative for academic research to explore blockchain technology development.
NEO was ranked the #4 blockchain project in a report issued by China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The report ranked projects by their technology, application, and creativity. The report was created because there are minimal independent assessment/rating reports for digital assets and blockchain projects.
Development Groups Updates
Splyse, the creators of HashPuppies, held a survey-contest to poll the community on points of interest regarding the larger blockchain ecosystem. The top three areas of interest included the NEO blockchain in general, the smart economy in general, and the potential impact blockchain can have on human rights or social issues. In addition to the survey-contest, Splyse is preparing to launch a Master Contract Token (MCT) incubator program.
NewEconoLabs (NEL) launched a TestNet version of the NEO Name Service (NNS), which allows users to create domain names on the blockchain. Participants were eligible to receive 50 NNC tokens for registering a .test name on the TestNet version. The test began on May 17th and closed earlier than anticipated on May 21st, 6:00pm (GMT + 8) as the maximum cap of participants was reached.
City of Zion (CoZ) released Neon Wallet v0.2.5.
Project Reports and Updates
Red Pulse released a weekly report highlighting recent events. RPX token holders were eligible to receive SPOT tokens as part of the SpotCoin airdrop. Red Pulse also partnered with TrueBlocks, a South Korean-based community development and marketing group. Lastly, representatives attended Block O2O Blockchain Summit in Hong Kong, and the Astana Economic Forum in Kazakhstan.
QLC rebranded to QLC Chain to highlight their ability to improve network services by addressing underutilization, increasing accessibility, and boosting network security. WinQ App, QLC Chain’s mobile application, is currently running on the TestNet, and allows users to register VPN server and Wi-Fi hotspot assets on the blockchain.
Switcheo suspended trading and began preparation to transition to version 2.0 of the DEX’s smart contract. During preparation, the team became aware of potential issues with the token’s ability to conduct cross-chain transactions. This issue forced Switcheo to swap tokens from SWH to SWTH and to make imminent changes to version 1.5 of the DEX. The Travala airdrop snapshot was pushed back due to the token swap.
In addition to Red Pulse, TrueBlocks also announced a partnership with Bridge Protocol this week. TrueBlocks has also partnered with APEX and Ledger Wallet.
nOS added Roger Lim, founding partner of NEO Global Capital (NGC), as an adviser whose firm has supported projects such as Switcheo, Ontology, Trinity, and Zilliqa.
Tech Updates
Switcheo performed a token upgrade (SWH to SWTH) in anticipation of the upcoming transition to the Version 2.0 smart contract. The smart contract will have many feature improvements and utilize SWTH.
DeepBrain Chain published a feature on OneGame, a virtual world built on DeepBrain’s public chain. OneGame’s gameplay is non-linear and the ecosystem is adaptable to fit the needs of its user base. The beta will launch in Summer of 2018.
Bridge Protocol released a preview of their application, and announced Alex Guba as the new Chief Systems Architect. The app preview highlights how users will be able to manage their digital identities, particularly regarding Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations.
Ontology released v0.8 of MainNet on GitHub, which included eight smart contracts and protocols for open source development. In their updated roadmap, Ontology has stated they will launch on MainNet in Q2 of 2018.
Token Sales
Imusify announces July 1 as the token presale launch date for the IMU token, and the private sale is currently open. Participants of the private sale will receive a 50% discount, and participants of the presale will receive a 30% discount. The first version of the platform is scheduled for launch in late 2018.
Moonlight opened 50 slots for private sale investors, which had a minimum investment requirement of 1,000 NEO (or 2,500 GAS). Priority placement was provided to Moonlight newsletter subscribers and parties who can contribute to the growth of the platform external to the blockchain space.
Exchange Listings
Bridge Protocol’s IAM token was listed on BiteBTC and Bitpaction.
Narrative token (NRVE) was listed on Bitpaction, Octaex, and BiteBTC.
AlphaCat token (ACAT) will be listed on Switcheo.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
More posts by Dylan Grabowski