NNT Catch Up
At the end of November, Effect.AI hosted its first EFX Meetup, where the project team discussed the November 30th launch of Effect Force, a United Nations pilot program, and the establishment of a minimum wage. The platform currently has over 2,000 active users in 95 countries. In conjunction with the efforts of the UN, Effect.AI CEO, Chris Dawe, has stated they aim to create 1,500 new jobs in Georgia in 2019.
Developer Groups
December 10th, NEO News Today released its community development summary, which includes both contributions to the NEO core, and improvements made to community-created projects. Updates are included about the following projects: neo-cli, Neon Wallet, neo-local, neo-python, neo-tools, NeoCompiler Eco, and Smart Account Composer.
December 10th, Alchemint released its bi-monthly progress report, which includes development progress, a visit to the NEO Global Development (NGD) office, and the ongoing public platform testing. Additionally, Alchemint has stated they tentatively plan to launch on MainNet in the middle of December.
December 10th, Spotcoin announced it was to begin its token distribution on Wednesday, December 12th. The distribution has been approved to move forward following the sign off of a third-party financial report and conclusion of the token swap.
December 10th, Travala announced updates to its business plan, which includes changes to the use cases of its AVA token, different payment methods offered, and a new marketing strategy following the launch of its beta in Q1 of 2019.
December 10th, NEO Name Service (NNS) released instructions for NNC token holders to claim CGAS dividends with a Ledger wallet. NNS has recently transitioned to a manual claiming system due to concerns that its CGAS airdrop to all NNC holders was causing congestion on the NEO blockchain.
December 11th, Narrative co-founder and CTO, Brian Lenz, spoke with NEO News Today about the project. Narrative aims to create “The World’s Journal,” a member-controlled content network with a revenue-sharing model. The conversation focuses on the impetus for the project, building a community of users, token and payment economics, content moderation, and the platforms tentative March 2019 launch.
December 11th, Aphelion released an update highlighting its path to regulatory compliance. As a short-term solution, Aphelion will allow only non-US participants to trade on the desktop, mobile, and web wallets. For a long-term solution, Aphelion will seek to meet US compliance through a broker-dealer license/partnership or moving to a fully decentralized model.
December 11th, Jarvis+ released a weekly report highlighting an AI contest with Microsoft, and the continued training of its AI and neural networking models.
December 11th, Narrative released its “Network Stats” page, which is a small development step on its updated roadmap. Narrative states the coming months will show incremental releases “that will serve as building blocks for the network,” and is expected to release its beta platform in March of 2019.
December 11th, Endorsit released its weekly report, which highlights progress the team has made towards its decentralized application as it prepares for the launch. The application update to v0.3.8 will see a new batch of internal beta users connected to the platform, with the data from the previous batch of closed beta users to be deleted early next week.
December 11th, CardMaker released a list of in-game items and announced the pre-sale of its limited-edition “Creation Package.” The pre-sale will begin on December 17th, 2018 (UTC+8).
December 11th, APEX Technologies co-founder Tiger Yang hosted the “New Retail” panel discussion at Shanghai’s Global Digital Marketing Summit, which was held on December 6th and 7th, 2018. As APEX is in the business of providing customer data, Yang sees the battle of gathering and processing “multi-dimensional data” generated by marketing channels as being “the future of competition in the retail industry.”
December 12th, For The Win (FTW) announced the launch of the NEP-5 Lottery Platform on NEO TestNet. Its new lottery platform is designed to allow people to “create their own lottery games and sell tickets,” and it supports prize pools of other NEP-5 tokens.
December 12th, Phantasma Chain announced a YouTube contest as the first promotion in its Christmas Campaign. The promotion invites users to create videos about the Phantasma ecosystem, with submissions evaluated based on “quality, correct information and reach.” The YouTube contest will draw from a prize pool of 50,000 SOUL, with 35,000 due to be distributed to numerous video creators and the remaining 15,000 reserved for the top three videos in the final competition.
December 13th, O3 Labs unveiled the v2 implementation of the O3 browser, which includes NEO blockchain payment integration with the goal of enabling seamless GAS payments for any service. O3 Labs intends to open source its API to allow any web application to integrate with O3 and accept GAS payments in the future.
December 13th, Effect.AI released a newsletter, which highlights the numerous new features the platform has added, as well as partnership and event updates. A highlight of the most recent progress report was the tentatively named Effect Force “Machete,” which intends to help the platform compete with Amazon’s mechanical turk, its largest competitor.
December 14th, Spotcoin published a post-public token sale audit, which was completed in December and shows the number sold and allocation of SPOT tokens. The token sale raised a total of US $14,631,594 from a combination of digital and fiat currencies, selling SPOT at $0.50 per token.
December 14th, Phantasma Chain announced the second part of its Christmas Campaign, the Phantasma Articles Contest. The Articles Contest invites writers to create content about the Phantasma Chain ecosystem, with rewards in SOUL paid out based on article length, quality, accuracy, and views.
About The Author: Dylan Grabowski
Dylan is a reformed urban planner with a passion for covering the Neo ecosystem. His objective as a writer for Neo News Today is to report news in an objective, fact-based, non-sensational manner. When not behind a computer screen, he can be found in the mountains rock climbing. Find Dylan on Twitter (@GrabowskiDylan).
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