From November 23rd through 25th, NEO Global Development (NGD) representatives were on hand at the Hack Junction hackathon in Helsinki, Finland. NEO was one of three blockchain platforms available for developers to build upon, with each blockchain having its own “challenge” or development theme. NEO’s theme was Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) voting, where participants were tasked with creating smart contract solutions associated with voting on the blockchain, using NEP-5 standards. Mentors were available to offer support to the teams during the event.

NNT Catch up

Guardian Circle’s CEO Mark Jeffrey was among many protagonists in Trust Machinea full-feature blockchain documentary that premiered on November 16th. It is claimed that Trust Machine is the first blockchain-funded, blockchain-distributed, and blockchain-focused documentary. The film highlights projects that are “already using the technology to change the world’ fighting income inequality, the refugee crisis, and world hunger.”


November 19th, nOS announced a new version of which will now function as its official community and developer portal. The portal contains access to application management tools and activities for the community earn NOS rewards. Up to 35,000 NOS per month are on offer for “real and tangible contributions.”

November 19th, Switcheo Exchange launched the Callisto update, which now includes functionality to trade Ethereum ERC-20 tokens on its decentralized exchange (DEX). Switcheo also plans to add a Qtum QRC-20 token DEX to its platform, and eventually cross-chain trading among the three blockchains.

Switcheo will host a raffle event to reward randomly selected traders who use Switcheo Exchange between 12:00 pm (UTC +8), Wednesday, November 21st and 12:00 pm (UTC +8), Tuesday, December 4th.

November 19th, Moonlight released a development report for October and November. The report predominantly focuses on Copernicus, which has now entered the product development stage, with a release intended for the near future. The recruitment portal, designated as Kepler, has now entered the planning phase. The report also provided further context for Constellation, an initiative created to design and implement a digital identity system.

November 19th, Senno released an overview of its “four-pillar protocol” to handle private data. Senno aims to give consumers control over what types of data they choose to share, and compensate them accordingly.

November 20th, New Kind of Network (NKN) released its “1-click” GUI miner, which is available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. NKN’s GUI miner is designed to streamline the installation and management of NKN nodes. Additionally, NKN has placed a bounty of 100,000 NKN as a grand prize in a competition for programmers to port an open-source messaging app to NKN.

November 20th, Jarvis+ released its 17th weekly report with updates about its latest R&D and marketing developments. R&D was focused on Jarvis+’s new deep learning system, with a completed configuration planned for next week, to be followed by model construction and debugging.

November 20th, Endorsit published its weekly update, which included development progress, events the team attended, its IWallic application and an update on its October incentive program.

November 20th, Red Pulse released a development report, which provided an update on the addition of a company directory and a watchlist to the Phoenix platform.

November 21st, Phantasma Chain launched its standalone block explorer, and published a Phantasma Web Wallet user guide. The explorer contains price listings for Phantasma trading markets as well as a block listing and transaction history. 

On November 21st, Alphacat expanded its ACAT Store offerings to 24 third-party applications. Alphacat has been working on improving its price forecasts in complex market conditions, as well as being able to ignore “false market conditions” and more quickly react to significant changes in the markets.

November 21st, APEX Technologies VP of Product, Robert Xu, released the third post in APEX’s “Behind the Scenes” series. The articles discusses Xu’s role in the company, hiring talent, APEX machine learning, enterprise scenario needs, and future compliance with general data protection regulation (GDPR).

November 21st, QLC Chain released a bi-weekly report, which included development updates and its partnership with Montnets Group. With regards to its partnership with Montnets Group, QLC Chain believes that its Multidimensional Block Lattice structure can handle the Montnets network’s 2 billion SMS messages per year on its public blockchain.

November 21st, Aphelion released a statement informing that its DEX would cease trading on MainNet. The CEO claimed a “perfect storm” of events in the build-up to the announcement. Reasons include new SEC rulings, disastrous market conditions, NEO tech challenges and diminishing cash flow. The Aphelion wallet will remain operational, the DEX will remain live on TestNet.

November 21st, O3 Labs launched O3 Desktop v1.1.6, which includes updates to the UX, API messaging protocol, and a tweak to the send flow for watch addresses.

November 23rd, DeepBrain Chain announced plans to push its first round of AI miners online and is offering a free trial for its DeepBrian Chain AI Training Net. The DBC AI mining machines serve as “fully fledged AI servers specialized for AI computing” that combine mining incentives with “high‐performance GPUs suitable for AI training.” From November 21st through December 31st, DeepBrain Chain is offering an equivalent of 500 DBC tokens to new users of the DBC AI Training Net.

November 23rd, Travala partnered with Gimmonix, a hotel and room mapping aggregator. The partnership will offer access to a supplier network with over 80 hotel suppliers, and provide Travala users with access to 1.5 million properties once fully integrated.

November 25th, Bridge Protocol released its beta Bridge Passport Chrome extension, along with its API, explorer, MainNet smart contract and an updated road map. The Bridge Passport Chrome extension is now available to community members and early adopters.

Token Listings

TranslateMe (TMN) was listed on Switcheo.

Recoupit (RCPT) was listed on Switcheo.

Upcoming Events

November 30th: NEO Blockchain Meetup – St Petersburg.